Everything we perceive is part of the energy-information field of the universe. The field has been described variously throughout history, for example with the word Akasha from Sanskrit (an ancient language that originated in India). Hence the imaginary concept of the “Akashic Records”, ie the record of all information of the universe.

Akasha means Aether – the fifth element that binds and permeates everything. Just as Earth, Air, Water, and Fire are material elements, Aether is considered to be the force that permeates and binds them all – being the fundamental element of the universe.
This concept was taken seriously by researchers such as Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein. There is a reason why the term “broadcast over the Aether” (that form is used in Poland, we do not say “broadcast over the Air” but “over the Aether”) is used for radio or television broadcasts. Early researchers and constructors referred precisely to the ancient metaphysical knowledge about this field that permeates the universe, which is the carrier and place of recording of all information and through which information can spread and be read from.

Of course, the technical term “broadcasting in the ether” for broadcasting radio or television broadcasts is a certain simplification, because “ether” understood in this way is only a very flattened, simplified concept in relation to Aether as such, but it shows the real impact of ancient transmissions of metaphysical knowledge on discoveries and developing technology in the physical world.

In Remote Viewing, we use our natural connection and being part of this energy-information field. Thanks to this connection, we can access information and read it from this field only after concentrating our will on this task.

Just as we can read information, our actions can always interact with the information that is found. Hence, another important concept in Remote Viewing. The concept of a neutral observer.


One of the most important thing a person should learn when learning Remote Viewing is to become a neutral observer during the perception process.
This is very important because, as it turns out, as soon as we start judging the things we see, we label them and narrow down our own perceptions.
When a person recognizes that he already knows “what it is” – the moment “I already know” means: “I close the perception because I believe that I have already learned / found out”.

During the Remote Viewing training, individuals discover that staying in a state of neutral, open observation can provide them with much more valuable information and knowledge about issues they seemed to have already had full information on.

It works fantastically on the personal development of a person, because it builds a completely new mentality and awareness of the importance of keeping an open mind in pure practice, instead of labeling things as “I already know and I don’t need to know any more”. People practicing Remote Viewing find out in practice the advantage they gain by maintaining this neutral, open attitude.

In addition, being a Neutral Observer has one more, equally advantageous function in Remote Viewing.
Well, often where we evaluate and we judge what we see – we create a kind of entanglement and energetic entanglement. For example, if we perceive something that we evaluate critically and negatively evaluate it, we de-facto antagonize an aspect of reality automatically.
Is it a person or a being of a different kind, is it a pattern, etc.

The problem is that when a person judges something negatively in extrasensory perception, he puts himself in opposition to it. And this, in turn, leads to the energy-information reality in which we live to some kind of conflict or at least friction.

Many clairvoyants and researchers, using the extrasensory perception of the reality around us, in this way themselves got involved in various energy-less unpleasant clashes, precisely by putting themselves in opposition to something. While it is important in life to choose certain values ​​that we support and on which we build our actions, in the process of perception one should remain neutral, because perception is a de-facto process of relation to what we perceive and is not only about seeing / experiencing but also it has a reverse energy charge. It’s like creating an image of something and then starting to antagonize it. Even if it was only a neutral image in itself, if we then give it the characteristics of a negative reaction to it through our interpretation, we will also experience negative effects.

Therefore, Remote Viewing is not only about training perception skills, but also about learning a wise approach to this perception, one that will allow you to notice a lot and gain useful information – while avoiding creating conflicts related to judging and putting yourself in some relation to the perceived target.

The Neutral Observer can do more. The Neutral Observer perceives more with a neutral approach and an open mind, and is safer thanks to a neutral attitude that does not create friction with what he perceives.

It was fragment from my ebook “Remote Viewing – Development through perception“, which I share for free here on the website.

Jacob Qba Niegowski

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